
The days are growing lighter and I’m spending too much time staring out of my window. Think I’ll pack a knapsack and head south to meet the spring. (Sure they’ll understand at work.) I can’t shoe a horse or sweep a chimney, so I’ll just knock on this cottage door here and offer to tell a tale – a whole life in one hundred words – for my supper.



Born under the shed, behind the compost bin, the little vixen’s first smells were the fecund scents of placental blood, mother’s milk, mushrooms and leaf litter.

When her mother was hit by a lorry reversing in the lane, she escaped to the park and shared the dawn with a locked-out drunk and two teenage lovers. Many times she raised cubs herself; one long summer of plenty with an old dog fox who stayed.

Skin and bone now, today she hobbled back onto my lawn, raised her dark snout to a sudden swathe of blue sky and sniffed the spring air.

M J Lewis ©2015

Please click on the LINK for a whole glorious dawn chorus of stories from around the globe. Thanks as ever to Rochelle, our very own conductor of the Friday Fictioneers. Photo prompt by Erin Leary.

24 thoughts on “Returning

    • There was a skittish little vixen playing in the crocuses in the next garden to mine this week and I’m pretty sure she’s the same one my son watched this time last year when he was still at home studying. Fascinating creatures!
      Thanks for your comment.


  1. Back at the homestead we’ve already had a discussion about the various spellings of swath/swathe (You say a swath of tomatoes; I say a swathe of tomatoes.) and also the pronunciation of fecund – one of those words I’ve more often read than said. And now I am definitely dropping ambrosial into the teatime conversation!
    Thanks for stopping by.


  2. I’ll take that as a huge compliment – thank you!
    I try everything out on my grown-up daughter who had a great visceral reaction to this one – and I’m now seriously worried she might run away with a fox.
    I’ll get them to pop my imagination in a bottle and put the lid on quick when I pop my clogs.


  3. I really enjoyed this and it sounds to me as though your fox had a well-lived fox life! Excellent job of translating your observations and experiences with “your” fox into a story to which we can all relate.


    Liked by 1 person

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