Devils or Angels?


Devils or Angels?

There are devils everywhere, stirring up trouble, turning young minds and compelling them to acts of disruption and stupidity. The old are infected also, and mothers whose instincts should be to nurture not alarm. Their fuel is anger, jealousy, resentment of your ordered lives. Guard your pride, lock your doors and windows, check your own children are safe inside.

There are angels in the streets. Their feathers are sometimes ruffled and their flight not always true. But look into their eyes, if you dare, and feel their fierce love. Be curious, be bold, be afraid because maybe you are an angel too.

Miranda Lewis 2019

Welcome to Friday Fiction hosted by our own angel, Rochelle who also provides the photo this week.

The streets of London have been disrupted these past two weeks by the noise and confusion of climate crisis protests. This time last week I walked those beautiful car-free streets and strolled through a peaceful park full of tents to see for myself. Devils or angels? I know what I believe.

Thanks to all who visit and especially to those who stay and comment. Visit other fictioneers here.

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16 thoughts on “Devils or Angels?

    • They certainly use the devil’s tactics…
      And in the end life is (or should be) more complicated than taking sides. Thanks for the visit.
      I’ll definitely visit your story – I’m not always successful at leaving comments on all sites!

      Liked by 1 person

    • When Extinction Rebellion took over the traffic-filled London streets on massed bicycles in one of their many actions (this one not arrestable!) someone posted a comment saying it looked like just another day in Sweden! Maybe you are an angel?


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